How to Submit

Typically, the CAU Panther newspaper staff meets on campus Tuesdays in the panther office located in the Mass Media Arts building near room G-30 at 12:15 p.m. (EST).
Due to COVID-19 and the transition to a virtual learning atmosphere, The CAU Panther staff currently meets on Zoom at 3:00 p.m. (EST) every Tuesday.
Please send an email to panthernews1988@gmail.com, if you are interested in attending a meeting.
Here are the Panther's social media links:
Instagram: @thecaupanther1988
Twitter: @thecaupanther

The Panther is published by students at Clark Atlanta University. The opinions expressed in The Panther reflect only the positions of the student writers and not the ideas or opinions of the staff, the University or its governing board. The Panther has both the right and responsibility to report news of student interest from on and off campus, to editorialize on matters of student concern and to provide a forum for the free expression of opinion and exchange ideas in the community. Any reprints must be granted by the editor and adviser. All right reserved.